Army Phase II SBIR Award: R2R fabrication of plasmonic absorbers
SMS was awarded an Army Phase II SBIR for the R2R fabrication of plasmonic absorbers. During the phase I project, SMS teamed with Professor Mark Mirotznik of the University of Delaware to design and fabricate a large-area plasmonic absorber using nanocoining and nanoimprint lithography (see photo and SEM image). In phase II, SMS will work with Professor Mirotznik and MicroContinuum, Inc. to scale up the process using R2R fabrication. This project will demonstrate the promise of nanocoining for the scalable manufacturing of patterned metal films for plasmonic devices, transparent conducting metal mesh films, and wire grid polarizers.
Article on R2R Fabrication Published in Nanotechnology
SMS collaborated with the Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing (CHM) at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to nanopattern more than 60 feet of polymer film using a seamless cylindrical mold created with nanocoining (see photo and SEM image). This work, which was the first demonstration of R2R fabrication with our drum molds, was published in the journal Nanotechnology.